My obligation of writing this blog is almost at an end. I didn't do a very good job at being consistent with my writings on my specified topic of traveling. Something has occurred in the last few weeks that has awakened my faculties and is slowly pulling me out of the stupor that I have been in this semester. I am supposed to be learning about developing content. So that's what I am going to do right now. Try to develop and put my thoughts into some sort of cohesive mass. I had a project in another class that has really spiked my interest in the understanding of ethics. I think this greatly applies to social media and new technology. We live in the technology age. We can quite literally say anything we want, at any time during the day and have it published that very day for the entire world to see. I was listening to a paper someone wrote today about how his brain and conscience often don't agree. As I reflect on this, I find that to be most interesting in that I have often have the same issue. I can have a feeling occur in an instant and wish to act on it but yet a part of me will not agree with another part of myself to act on such a thing. I feel that our ethics and moral courage are created in the fusion of our immediate thoughts and feelings and what our more logical conscience would be telling us to do. I think we find ourselves in difficult situations on a daily basis. From trying to protect our religious beliefs, to trying to uphold a policy at the place we work at, or listening and responding to a family member or friend. We do our best to find a reasonable course of action for such situations. Then we usually walk away from that decision and wonder if that was the best option we could have taken. Life is a series of events that is an ongoing journey. Someday we fail more than we learn. Other days we are able to take from those failures a positive angle and use them to succeed in future endeavors. We are not going to magically wake up one day and finally have all the answers. It comes day by day, line upon line, and after many applications of the trial and error principle of life. Life is a slow process. We need to enjoy it for what it is and stop looking forward to tomorrow and the "i'll be happy when I get there" statements.
I think I covered three of four different topics just now. I just wanted to write and get part of my thinking onto/into something more concrete. There you have it. I should probably read through it and see how it sounds and what mistakes or incongruence's there are. I won't though. It shall stay as it came out from head to type. I have a lot more on my mind and I think I will continue to cover them in the ensuing days and then possibly continue after the semester is over.
"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." -Benjamin Franklin
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