Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hometown Monday...

This posting is occurring much later than I had previously planned but such is life. This first hometown is my first hometown that I actually remember. Coming to you from the desert of southern California is a little town called Quartz Hill. Growing up I had a big desert field across the street from my house. It was not unusual to see coyotes, snakes and other little rodents in this field and even in the street or my front yard. My first house was a big blue two-story house tucked up in the foothills. Walking to the corner of the neighborhood and looking out, you could see the entire valley stretch before you from one mountain range to the next and on a clear day you could even spot Edwards Air Force Base, which was made famous for the landing of the space shuttle back in the 1980's. Living in the desert is a really interesting experience. Some people can't stand it and they need big pine trees and mountains surrounding them. I like to visit those places and they sure are pretty, but the desert is where I was raised, and it will most likely always feel like home. There is something to be said for being able to see as far as the eye can see. Clear blue skies the majority of the year. Joshua Trees and tumble weeds covered the ground. The intense blowing wind could occasionally knock a kid over and make walking home from school much more difficult than it should be. Amecci's the local pizza place had the biggest and best pizza's I think I have ever had in my life. At least based off of little kid standards.

Quartz Hill holds a special place in my heart. I don't think I could ever move back there, but I certainly appreciate it more now than I ever did back then. It taught me a lot about life, showed me what family is and can be and was the starting point for many life adventures.

"Home is the place where, when you have to go there,
They have to take you in."
~Robert Frost

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