Every blog needs to have some type of theme or recurring pattern so that the readers, essentially you, know what to expect and when you can read it. I wanted to post earlier this week but due to a wonderful virus going around my apartment I was in bed for nearly two days straight with zero desire to focus on anything but the back of my eye lids. With that being said, starting this coming Monday, will be the official kick off of, "Learn it. Live it. Love it." I will be posting three days a week. The schedule will be as follows until further notice:
'Hometown Mondays'- This section will have stories of... You guessed it, hometowns from the likes of you and me. We will be talking about places we have lived, laughed and loved. The places with our favorite burger joints on Friday nights and the best places to hang out with friends. These can be places we have been, where we are now or the places we would like to move to. Feel free to contact me with comments, stories or pictures from your Hometown and I will do my best to include them in a 'Hometown Monday' post.
'Travel Tip Tuesday' - The name says it all here. This will be for current or future travelers be it a road trip a couple hours away, to the exotic hungry world traveler packing up and leaving on a jet plane. There are many ways to travel, pack and plan your trip. Hopefully we can all share and learn some great ways to be prepared and make traveling less stressful and more enjoyable whether it's a family vacation or business trip.
'European Wednesdays' - I love Europe. I always have and I most likely always will. I find it fascinating and exhilarating. Wednesday's will be the day of the week where we will spotlight a country or a town or a historical event from across the pond. Have a fun story or favorite place you visited? You are more than welcome to send it and I will do my best to highlight you as our unofficial official reporter for the week. There are so many wonderful things to talk about on European Wednesday's from the food, to the people, the the amazing scenery. I greatly look forward to this day and I hope you do too.
There you have it folks. Please check back weekly for new posts and updates.
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home." ~James Michener
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